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Calling all Former Athletes: Are You in the ACT Talent Pool?

Discover your perfect career after professional sport when you sign up to the Athlete Career Transition (ACT) Talent Pool.


The ACT Talent Pool connects you with global career opportunities tailored to former athletes – roles that match your skillset and support needs as an elite performer.


Benefit from our experience

As former athletes ourselves, we understand the pitfalls and perils that come with making the transition from sport into a new occupation.


We’re with you all the way: From signing up, to landing your ideal job, ACT gives you the wellbeing support, skills enhancement and mentoring you need to take the next steps with confidence.


We help you to identify and refine all the talents you’ve developed through your first career in sport, making sure you transition into business smoothly and successfully.

Unrivalled opportunity

The opportunities we secure with our employer partners are exclusively for elite athletes.


You won't be competing for a job against a person with years of experience. You'll be selected from a cohort of athletes just like yourself.


And this is all completely free. Our work comes at ZERO cost to you, the athlete.


So, what are you waiting for? Join the ACT Talent Pool today and kick off your career after professional sport.


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