Our Co-Founder, Steve Moore, has partnered up with Jaime Komer and Kelsi Stockert to create the Human Athlete Podcast. Our mission is to support and empower athletes before, during and after their sporting retirements. We value and respect the athletes as a whole human and hope to celebrate them while diving into this time of transition. Through the Human Athlete Podcast, we’ll have honest and open conversations covering a spectrum of topics all geared toward this transition athlete’s face. Steve, Jaime and Kelsi will be chatting with a variety of people; from CEOs of companies to transitioned athletes to neuroscientists. We’re covering it all, the 360-degree view of the Human Athlete.
Meet Kelsi Stockert
ACT’s Chief Storyteller and recently retired USA Rugby player for the 7’s and 15’s team. Kelsi’s passionate about telling the real stories of athletes. As a mental health advocate, Kelsi hopes to break the stigma while normalizing the conversation behind retirement. Through her own experiences and challenges of navigating professional sport as a young mother and struggling with depression, her life goal is to support others, inspire and recognize that it’s okay to not be okay. In Kelsi’s episode of the Human Athlete, she’ll be chatting with athletes- retired and competing, to share their stories. Kelsi hopes to celebrate the retired athlete's transition while learning what the experience was like- open and honestly. Through these episodes, we’ll normalize the conversation behind retirement.
Meet Steve Moore
ACT’s Co-Founder and Director whose a retired Wales Rugby player has become an expert on transition, specifically on the business side of things. Steve has been retired for 15 years and has a passion for creating the smoothest transition possible from sport into business for today’s elite athletes. Co-Founding ACT, he has spent over a decade championing for professional athletes by helping them craft new career paths after retirement. Through Steve’s expertise in business, he’ll be highlighting how athletes can translate their rich knowledge of skills learned through sport into a successful new career. In his episodes on the Human Athlete, Steve will be diving into all things business with global company leaders and high caliber companies from all over, who some themselves have sporting backgrounds. Through focusing on why athletes are so employable, we hope to celebrate the athlete post sporting career.
Meet Jaime Komer
ACT’s Chief Transition Guide and USA Water Polo Olympic Medalist who has dedicated over a decade of her life empowering others on their health, well-being and navigating life’s challenges. She has truly made it her mission to dive into this curiosity of how we view transition. Through Jaime’s episodes on the Human Athlete Podcast, her intention is for you to gain insight, awareness and learnings through this time of transition. By speaking with a wide spectrum of guests, Jaime will truly dive into all aspects of transition.
We are celebrating the human behind the athlete- the 360-degree view. The Human Athlete Podcast will be launched Monday October 4th! Can’t wait? Have a listen to our teaser episode or watch on YouTube: